Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It is incredible to me that I can go from being a mature, poised (somewhat) 25 year old...and over the course of one phone call that I didn't even get to answer, I am suddenly 14.

I guess it goes to show you that you don't really grow out of the anxiety or crazy ridiculousness...especially if it's genetically a part of your makeup...thanks a lot mom! :) I am just a place for panic to dwell...this week has been a great display of this talent that I possess and it's only Tuesday. I have panicked over my car, my job, running, money, teaching, field trips, the art auction, and now a whole pack of other things that come with one phone call...amazing!

My father reminded me not so subtly of the command, not suggestion, of do not be anxious...you know that's actually one of the most difficult things in my realm of life. And it's all over, in many, many places...so it's obviously not just a passing fancy, but rather something I'm supposed to pay attention to...I'm figuring out how to work on this...and in the meantime trying not to act 14.

1 comment:

Ridgely said...

Yes, it's my fault....all my fault. I'm so anxious about this...what shall I do???

Seriously, I sympathize and unfortunately, since I am your mother, I feel your pain too! :)