Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Decision 2008

(Just imagine that I spelled McCain correctly on the board!)

Turns out my class is full of geniuses! They predicted the outcome, how awesome is that? Here are some things I heard today and yesterday: - "Now mom's can kill babies." (heard this morning as we were discussing the election) - Cailin: I just feel really bad for John McCain Me: Why? Cailin: Because he lost! Me: Yes that is sad, but you know he's a senator, he still has a job, so it's not as bad. Cailin: Miss Whitaker he LOST, and that's sad, even if he has another job - "McCain is evil!" (thus ensuing a discussion about the difference between not being a good leader and not being a nice person...this was a long discussion!) - "Did you know some people don't vote?" (imagine a shocked voice, and my affirmation that this is a travesty!) - I wonder what everyone is going to do! Some people are happy, some people are sad...everyone is just so mixed up! (ah, the wisdom of 6 year olds)

1 comment:

Ridgely said...

Nice touch with the red and blue! :) You are doing such a great job of connecting these kids with their world...kudos!